
Showing posts from July, 2024

final exams

 1. It's better to make mistakes when learning new skills, so you can learn from them        Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Write specific reasons and examples to support your answer. #1. I really agree because everyone has mistakes but not everyone is able to want to learn new skills and that can make us better people. 2. Good friends should have diverse interests and personalities, not the same tastes.  Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Write specific reasons and examples to support your answer. #2. agree because in today's environment you have to be careful in having friends because nowadays friends are also the ones who make us go the wrong way and be confident enough for both of you, pretend to shine in social situations and offer courage when you don't have it         3. Colleges and Universities have a responsibility to give their students options for clubs and activities outside the classroom.  Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Wr

Final test: Agree or Disagree

Name: Raihanah Najiyah  Student ID: 2520230014 1.   It is better to make mistakes when learning a new skill, so you can learn from the errors. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Write specific reason and examples to support your answer. = I agree, here's why: a)  Mistakes act as stepping stones. When you make a mistake, you identify what's wrong and how to avoid it in the future. Trying different things and learning from mistakes is very important for getting good at something.  b)  Mistakes can help people be creative. When something doesn't work, they try new ideas to fix it. This often happens in science, where surprising results can lead to big discoveries. c)  Solving problems and fixing mistakes helps you feel more confident. When you figure out how to improve, you see that you can learn and get better. This confidence makes you want to keep practicing and getting better at the skill. Example: Kids learning to walk but they fall a lot, but each time they fal

End Semester Exam Answer

Name : Khansa Naufal Daffama Student ID : 2520230002 Subject : End Semester Exam  Statement 1: It is better to make mistakes when learning a new skill, so you can learn from the errors. Agree: Making mistakes is an integral part of the learning process, especially when acquiring new skills. Errors provide valuable feedback that helps in understanding what went wrong and how to improve. This iterative learning approach not only enhances skills but also builds resilience and adaptability. Reasons and Examples: Feedback and Improvement: When you make mistakes, you receive immediate feedback on what doesn't work. For instance, when learning to play a musical instrument, making mistakes in finger placement or timing helps you correct and refine your technique. Understanding Concepts: In academic pursuits like mathematics or programming, mistakes help to clarify concepts. By identifying errors in calculations or code, you gain a deeper understanding of the underlying principles. Real-