The Impact Of Smoking And Drugs!

 As a health practitioner, every time I see victims of drugs coming to the hospital. In my opinion, drug use cannot be separated from alcohol and cigarettes. The spirit of eradicating drugs should also continue by limiting cigarette and alcohol consumption. Why? Because these three poisons both have a bad impact on health, and even have the risk of causing death. Cigarettes, drugs and alcohol are also addictive or addictive.

Medically, complications resulting from the use of cocaine, one of the drugs that often spreads to Indonesia, are disorders of many human organs. Complications can occur in the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, digestive tract, brain nervous system and other nervous systems. Heart problems that can occur include heart attacks, heart rhythm disorders, cardiomyopathy, and inflammation of the heart muscle. Meanwhile, digestive tract disorders that occur can include gastrointestinal leakage, inflammation of the large intestine, and intestinal ischemia.

Apart from health problems, drug addicts are also at risk of sudden death. Another negative impact that may occur is the risk of sexual disorders and mental disorders. Mental disorders that may occur include feelings of anxiety, depression, paranoia, psychosis, and even the desire to commit suicide. The risk is even greater if addicts use needles interchangeably.

What about amphetamines? In acute conditions, addicts will experience heart palpitations, irregular heart rhythms, and increased blood pressure. Addicts can also experience increased body temperature and convulsions, and if not helped, this can cause immediate death. In chronic complications, the health problems that occur are also similar to other types of drugs. Similar to cocaine, amphetamines can also cause mental disorders.

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