As-Syafi'iyah Campus Lags Behind Several Competitor
Hello everyone, I'm KN, here to discuss why the As-Syafi'iyah campus is falling behind some of its competitors. In my opinion, there are several factors causing this campus to lag and struggle to develop.
These factors include, first: students who attend just because of peer pressure rather than a genuine desire to become students. Second: certain lecturers mix external matters with teaching and learning activities, such as politics. Third: the failure of vital organs within the campus, namely student organizations at both the university and faculty levels.
Why? First, many students attend this campus only because of invitations from friends, neighbors, and others, lacking the inner motivation to be students. This results in individual lagging, which becomes a domino effect in all areas. For example, in group assignments, these individuals are not cooperative, such as not attending group work sessions.
Second, I speak from personal experience here, as there are indeed lecturers who mix in matters that should not be included in teaching and learning activities. This is very distracting for some students trying to focus on the material.
Third, student organizations, which are considered the heart of the university, face many problems. Recently, there was an issue raised by the independent campus press about the Student Executive Board not doing its job, even though they were sworn in for a period to fulfill their responsibilities.
That is my opinion on why this campus is falling behind some of its competitors. My suggestion is to build greater awareness of the institution we all belong to.
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